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Telscombe Gentle Rain, RN, SGDC, ADC, CHIC

Date of birth: 2021-09-06




.40 OI, -.07 IR, 1003/2001 & 1009/2008


Raine is a breathtakingly beautiful, athletic and correct small standard poodle, standing 20” and weighing 32lbs. She is a high energy, high drive girl who is a spicy, yet deadly-serious spitfire in training and a sweet, affectionate companion at home. Despite her beauty, in sport settings Raine defies the stereotype of the ditzy, free-wheeling poodle. Her intensity and drive is paired with an ability to think and despite her high-octane nature she can often appear rather reserved. She is titled in agility and an absolute natural in the sport. She shows up ready to get the job done, and does not disappoint!


Raine came into our home at 9 months of age. I had begun looking for a girl to match with Helix, and at the same time, my trusted mentor Helene Hetherington at Telscombe Poodles had re-acquired Raine -- whose rapidly-emerging drive was starting to interfere with her original role as a pet and couch potato for a very busy family. Raine has retained her love for and tolerance of small children, and seeing her work today makes it hard to believe she lacked an early training foundation. 


Raine has almost limitless potential in any pursuit. She has a foundation in nosework and rally, although we have not titled in those areas. Her true passion is agility and that is where we will continue to focus our time and resources. 


Health: Raine is an enthusiastic eater who has no food sensitivities and has never reacted to a vaccine (including rabies and leptospirosis), or any flea/tick medication (she routinely receives Simparica). She has excellent health testing results and unusually good genetic diversity, which (research shows) should translate to better-than-average health in her puppies.


More about Raine


Structure & Type: Like Helix, Raine has wonderful front and rear angulation, and her excellent depth of chest and well-sprung ribs are paired with an elegant waistline. Raine also has a spectacular topline, square outline, high tailset, and beautiful, strong tail that she carries high. She embodies elegance without being frail or “slab-sided”, and her light, floating movement reveals her outstanding structure. She is also blessed with a pretty head, strong underjaw, a full set of flashing white teeth, enormous ear leathers and gorgeous dark almond eyes.


Temperament: Raine is an intense, serious and focused lady with a deep love of water and an incredible natural retrieve. She lives to play agility and she manages to bring speed along with biddability and a willingness to rep. I suspect she may be my a “once-in-a-lifetime” partner in this sport, although she could also excel in disc and dock. She loves fetching endlessly and is obsessed with tugging, but she will happily work for food if appropriate. After she’s done working, she is an unbeatable couch snuggler.


Raine absolutely adores children and despite her intense drive, she is wonderful with cats and small dogs. Unlike her more “roll the with the punches” boyfriend Helix, Raine has a “fast-twitch” temperament. Thankfully, she is not leash reactive and she is generally less environmentally focused than Helix. In competitive settings, she just wants to do the work and she will work with focus and joy as long as her handler is happy and having fun. She can think and learn even in a state of high arousal. She does enjoy the sound of her own voice, often barking when excited – though thankfully she is not particularly barky while running agility.


Raine is an excellent traveller and she’s wonderful on the grooming table. She has never had any issues with being dressed or wearing clothes, yet she does have some sensitivities. While she’s not concerned about storms, she hates fireworks and gunfire. We have also had to work through judge pressure in our conformation pursuits, which happily we have succeeded in improving upon with a bit of effort. I imagine that could be a challenge we’d need to continue working on if we were to pursue obedience.  


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